Energy is Everything: choose it wisely!

Euphoria; Expressions Euphoria;
4 min readJul 5, 2021


The understanding of energies is extremely important for our lives.Sometimes I feel I could have known it long back but as already been said, Universe will let you realize and will send you in the situations until and unless you completely understand it & learn from it.The cycle will only stop when you get it.

Everything starts with you- thoughts, love, passion, compassion, consistency, acceptance etc..

“What you think you become” this is just not a phrase, this is a reality and I would say a harsh truth. It first starts in your mind and then becomes a reality.The best part about it is that- This is applicable in both good and bad things.The more you become aware about your thoughts, you can improve your life.

I am so confident about this thought process because I have implemented it in my life and I have seen the changes in my life positively, spiritually.When you stop allowing the things you don’t want, you will start receiving the things you really want.It’s just the matter of how eagerly you make the changes in your life. Evolving yourself is the key to get success, not only learning skills for your job is important but also improvisation is needed on the way you think and feel.

There are two types of energies positive, good, happy energies and bad, negative, exhausting.When you get good energies you feel excited, happy, calm, satisfactory, positive, easy, relaxed, appreciative & when it’s negative you feel exhausted, uneasy, disturbed, anxious, worried, guilty.

When you meet someone, you feel good and want to meet again is a sign of good energy & vice-versa.

It’s not as easy as it may sound but it is a compulsion to understand how you feel in a certain way around people.When I say it’s not easy to understand because many times you get such energies from your loved ones, it could be your family members or close friends. In certain relationships you can Limit their allowance in your life.Yes I am telling you the harsh truth, you have to stop or limit the access to certain people in your life, you will start seeing the positive changes in your life when you don’t allow negative energies to disturb you.

Not everyone need to know what you are, what is happening in your life, choose wisely with whom you can be vulnerable and can talk. When you give energies to the outer world, you get it back the same way. This works like a boomerang, the way you give it, you will get it back with more force.

Some of the practices which you could do, this has helped me & I am sure this could help you too:

  • ‌Start spending time with yourself first
  • ‌Prioritize yourself among all
  • ‌Become more aware about how you feel from inside
  • ‌Analyze what a certain person is adding in your life.
  • ‌Be easy on yourself, do not criticize.If something you have done, you are not happy about then it’s okay, few things are not in our control we make mistakes and then Learn from it.(This is an extremely important tip)
  • ‌Let the things happen in their way, do not rush or force.
  • ‌Practice gratefulness & be thankful for what you already have.
  • ‌When you don’t feel good about something, take a break, try to calm yourself down and then comeback.
  • ‌Try to write down the negative feelings on paper and then let it go.
  • ‌Talking to someone about your negative emotions is okay when you can talk to a trustworthy person.(Don’t talk about your negative feelings with multiple people).
  • ‌Stop telling the same story(Negative experiences) again and again. You are covering yourself with the same energy which you don’t want.
  • ‌Start noticing small things you do for yourself and others, be more gentle and kind with yourself.
  • ‌Visualize the kind of life you want.
  • ‌Start writing journal with positive affirmations.
  • ‌Start and end your day with a grateful heart.
  • ‌Say Thank you to universe as many times as you can.
  • ‌Make a habit of taking pause in your daily routine and quickly remind 5–10things you are grateful about.(Your energy immediately change)
  • ‌Love yourself more and worry less.
  • ‌Check what kind of songs you hear, what you read, what you watch(It’s all energy).
  • ‌Change your playlist if it has sad songs.
  • ‌Practice positive affirmations.
  • ‌Surround yourself with people who are appreciative towards you and trust your journey.
  • ‌Don’t try to change the other person, work on yourself.
  • ‌Everything will align according to you, just have faith.

This is what I meant when I said in the starting that Everything starts with “YOU”.When you take care of yourself, Universe (God) will take care of you.Certain situations in your life which are mentally exhausting makes you a wiser person than before. Accept the way things didn’t worked out for you, it’s okay because you deserve something even better.

I hope you heal soon and normalize your life the way you want.



Euphoria; Expressions Euphoria;
Euphoria; Expressions Euphoria;

Written by Euphoria; Expressions Euphoria;

Gives a feel to Love more passionately, wholeheartedly, with excitement, happiness & Joy.

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